
2003: CAM-GTF ranked No. 1 by Standard & Poor (Asia-Pac ex-Japan 5 yrs)
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Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd ("CAM") was established in 1994 as a boutique fund management firm under Regulation 41(1)(e) of the Securities Industry Regulations of Singapore. CAM currently holds a Capital Markets Services Licence for fund management activities under the Securities and Futures Act 2001. Our clientele is strictly "Accredited Investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Act (Cap 289).
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S25 of FAA - Obligation to disclose product information to clients
Regulation 33 of the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Regulations 2005 provides that section 25 of the Financial Advisers Act shall not apply to CAM, an exempt financial adviser or any of its representatives when providing any financial advisory service in respect of any designated investment product to an accredited investor.
S27 of FAA - Recommendations by CAM
Regulation 34(1) of the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Regulations 2005 provides that section 27 of the Financial Advisers Act shall not apply to CAM, an exempt financial adviser or any of its representatives when making a recommendation in respect of any investment product to an accredited investor.
S36 of FAA - CAM to disclose certain interests in securities
Regulation 35 (1) of the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Regulations 2005 provides that section 36 of the Financial Advisers Act shall not apply to CAM, an exempt financial adviser or any of its representatives when sending a circular or other similar written communication in which a recommendation is made in respect of any securities to an accredited investor.
R36 of FAR - Advising overseas investors
Regulation 36 (1) of the Financial Advisers (Amendment) Regulations 2005 provides that sections 25 to 29, 32, 34 and 36 of the Financial Advisers Act shall not apply to CAM, an exempt financial adviser when providing any financial advisory service to any person outside Singapore who is an individual and not a citizen / permanent resident / wholly or partly dependent on a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore or in any other case, a person with no commercial or physical presence in Singapore.
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Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd
51 Emerald Hill Road
Singapore 229327
Telephone: +65 6835 8866 (General)
Facsimile: +65 6835 8865
Company Registration No. 199406473R